IT's Artificial Intelligence Projects at the U

Learn more about how the Information Technology (IT) department has been leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) at the University of Miami.

Below are recent AI projects driven by the IT department since June 2023:

AI Projects In Flight:


AI Projects Completed:


Total AI Projects as of March 2025


Quick Links: Academics – Clinical CareCorporate ServicesResearchRevenue Cycle


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  • AI Projects for Academics

    Type of AI Project
    Project Name
    Generative AI Completed - In Production AI Faculty Guidance Utilizing machine learning to identify students at-risk of early attrition. 
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Blackboard Design Assistant Using Open AI gpt to generate teaching dialogue for obstetric emergency simulations. 
    Generative AI In Flight Donor Interaction Using AI to score personal essays for undergraduate admissions. Scores can be generated against a rubric.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Improve Degraded Videos Leveraging Generative AI to analyze donor reports, generate thank you letters, provide recommendations, and generate custom news feeds based on donor interests.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Improve Image Resolution Using generative AI to create language learning bots to assist with acquisition of foreign languages.  
    Generative AI In Flight Language Learning Bots A generative AI system built into Blackboard Ultra that can help faculty design syllabi, assignments, and test questions.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Obstetrics Teaching Dialogue Assists faculty in grading assignments with computer code, equations, essays, and other long-form answers through the use of Gradescope, a commercially available platform that integrates with Blackboard.  
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Admission Essay Scoring NLP models that extract important information about faculty entitlements within faculty offer letters, such as entitlement for lab space, equipment, renovations, and research funding.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Grading Assistance Guidance for faculty on ways they should and should not use generative AI in their courses, including examples, sample syllabus language, the use of AI detection software, and other considerations.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Student Retention Model Improve the quality of degraded videos with Topaz Video so the videos can be used in student and faculty projects.  
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Faculty Letter Entitlement Enhance old footage and images to today's standards of resolution.

  Clinical Care

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  • AI Projects for Clinical Care

    Type of AI Project
    Project Name
    Computer Vision Completed - Not In Use Emotional Recognition Monitoring This model identifies patients prior to surgery who are most at risk of developing a surgical site infection (SSI).
    Computer Vision Completed - Not In Use Food Service Automation - Just Walk Out Cloud based version 2 for early detection of sepsis in adult patients
    Computer Vision Completed - Not In Use Enhance Patient Arrival with Computer Vision Care managers and other clinicians can use this model to see an adult patient's risk of an initial myocardial infarction in the next two years so they can take preventive measures.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Calcium Scoring Epic provided model to predict patient no shows. 
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Brain Volume Calculations Some hospital ambulatory surgeries end up requiring a hospital bed following surgery, putting strain on capacity planning. This model will help predict the number of patients requiring a hospital bed based on scheduled procedures.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Cardiology Computer Vision Analysis Analyzing affordability of UHealth to patients in our market.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Nuclear Medicine Processing Using a set of custom natural language processing (NLP) models to identify thrombolytic or bleeding events in cancer patients to aid with quality improvement and potentially reporting of adverse events of patients on clinical trials. All clinical notes of patients within defined cohorts are processed by the NLP engine, which outputs annotated notes for easier review by clinicians. This process is estimated to reduce the time to review by over 20 times (2000%). Currently, models are running for 3 patient cohorts (oncology patients initiating chemotherapy, patients who received cancer-related surgery, and pediatric oncology patients), and is being trialed in patients with multiple myeloma.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Augmented Reality Surgical Guidance Automates medication prior authorization workflows with a fully integrated solution that proactively initiates prior auth requests and receives quick responses with the EHR.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Neurosurgical Planning Version 2 of the Risk of Hospital Admission or ED Visit model is a cloud-based logistic regression model with 55 features. This version offers the potential for improved performance due to the expanded feature set and its ability to localize on your patient data.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Reduce Radiology Error with Image Analysis Use this model to identify patients who are at risk of being readmitted to the ICU or dying. The model uses dozens of data points such as code status, vital signs, ventilation, and LDAs to help ICU clinicians make better informed decisions during rounding and discharge planning workflows.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Laparoscopic Video Review Using this model, your staff can more accurately predict whether admitted patients will be discharged today or tomorrow. 
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Mammo Post Processing Working with Epic R&D to pilot new module for staff and exam room allocation that will provide operational lead with actionable data on the allocation and assignment of exam rooms to providers.
    Generative AI Completed - Not In Use Efficacy Study - AI Patient Intake Treatment plans for glaucoma patients are documented within clinical notes, making it difficult to study. NLP models are being developed to identify if there were any changes to treatment plans indicated within the clinical note, and to extract the medication information (medication name and dosage). A pre-trained model processes all relevant clinical notes and outputs notes annotated with medications, allowing clinicians to review for accuracy.
    Generative AI In Flight Copilot Access in Epic Identifies patients at-risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE), which can be life-threatening if not identified earlier.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Pre-Visit Note Summarization Pilot Identifies the likelihood of patient experience survey resources and correlate key variables about patients or their visit. 
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Patient Message Draft Streamlining the leave request process for faculty by automate the requests for approval and directly sending the approved leave into the scheduling system eliminating manual reconciliation work performed by master scheduling team.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Quantitative Liver Analysis Real-time detection of patient experience in the inpatient setting through facial expressions allows for the opportunity to intervene to improve patient satisfaction prior to discharge.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Models - Risk of Surgical Site Infection Partnering with SOAP AI and the Mayo Clinic on a NCI-funded research study to study the efficacy of AI patient intake for primary care new patient visits replacing the manual questionnaires and summarizing key findings for the provider. 
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Model - Sepsis (Version 2) Care managers and other clinicians can see the percent chance that a pediatric patient will end up admitted or in the emergency department in the next six months. They can review the factors contributing to that risk, reach out to the patient or the patient's guardian, and reduce the likelihood that an adverse health event occurs.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Model: Amb Risk of Initial Myocardial Infarction The model transcribes the text of scanned documents, such as notes, results, and referrals, depending on your organization’s configuration options. After the model runs on a set of image files, the transcribed text from those documents is available in your system and can appear in your clinicians’ search results. This model requires the Cognitive Computing license but doesn't count toward the ten models included with that license.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Models - Patient No Show (Epic) Use this model to identify patients who are at risk of falling in the ED or an inpatient unit. The model uses dozens of data points such as financial class, vitals, assessments, medications, and lab results to help your organization identify patients who are most at risk of falling. This information enables nurses to focus interventions on the patients who are most likely to fall without them. The model can improve on the performance of manual fall risk assessments, while requiring minimal additional input from clinicians or operational staff. After it is implemented, the model can run continuously, saving up to 3 minutes per patient per day.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Models - Hospital Ambulatory Surgery Admissions (Custom) Care managers and other clinicians can use this model to see an adult patient's risk of a hospital admission related to heart failure in the next year.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Patient Affordability Deploying Amazon Just Walk Out (JWO) technology on Medical Campus (Calder Library) to pilot the use of automatous food service option in areas with limited availability for staff and patients.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Model - Risk of Hospital Admission or ED Visit (Version 2) Using this model, hospital staff can take a proactive approach to bed planning. Instead of constantly checking the ED census, staff can review the model predictions for patients who will likely need a bed in an inpatient unit and start preparing for these arrivals before an admit order is placed. This increased lead time enables capacity planning staff to proactively estimate the number of beds and staff needed at a given time. The model is integrated within the capacity dashboards already used for capacity management.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Model -  Risk of ICU Readmission or Mortality Using this model, care managers and other clinicians can review diabetes-related complications a patient is expected to develop over the next two years. Then they can drill down into the contributing factors and determine what to do to lower that risk. Care managers can also perform outreach or bulk enroll patients in Compass Rose episodes based on the risk of negative outcomes of type 2 diabetes score.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Model: Likelihood of Discharge by End of Day Today or by End of Day Tomorrow This model identifies admitted patients who are at risk of experiencing acute kidney injury (AKI) so clinicians can determine whether it's possible to limit their use of potentially harmful treatments and closely monitor serum creatinine and urine output to detect AKI more quickly.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Models - DVT/PE Version 2 of the Risk of Patient No-Show model is a cloud-based, random forest model. The model is localized on your patient population and predicts a patient's likelihood to no-show. By using Nebula, Epic's cloud-based platform, version 2 of the model has better performance because it uses a different model type and expanded feature set, and it includes patient-initiated late cancels in the definition of a no-show.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Predictive Models - Likelihood to Recommend The model can be used a number of ways in clinician-facing workflows, but two primary workflows are recommended for this model. The first is showing the score in Storyboard or a similarly visible location in the chart so clinicians can reference a patient’s score before ordering. This workflow is ideal for settings where opioids might be prescribed on a regular basis, such as in the emergency department, in a pain clinic, or during inpatient discharge planning. The second primary workflow is in a BestPractice Advisory (BPA) related to opioid ordering so users placing an opioid order are alerted when a patient has high risk. This workflow is ideal for outpatient and emergency department ordering. The model could also be used as additional filtering for your organization’s existing opioid-related BPAs.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model: Amb Pediatric Risk of Hospital Admission or ED Visit Use a set of three models created by Nationwide Children's Hospital to detect and treat sepsis in pediatric patients earlier in both inpatient and emergency departments. One model scores patients in the ED and the other two models score admitted patients. One inpatient model scores the general pediatric population and one model scores pediatric patients with high-risk conditions who are predisposed to developing sepsis. These models uses data points such as temperature, BP, behavioral assessments, length of stay, and diagnoses to help clinicians identify septic pediatric patients (under 20 years old) before they worsen. The inpatient model that scores patients with high-risk conditions is not available to organizations in the EU or the UK due to locale-based differences in the regulation of decision support.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - OCR Image to Text Transcription Ambulatory - if implementing or has an existing population health workflow around asthma patients.

    Care managers and other clinicians can use this model to see an adult asthma patient's risk of a hospital admission or ED visit related to asthma in the next year.

    The Hospital Admissions and ED Visits for Asthma model helps clinicians and care managers identify the asthma patients who are most at risk of ending up in the ED due to asthma-related conditions. The statistically derived model uses a proprietary algorithm and 17 variables to stratify your adult asthma population into risk buckets. Identifying and stratifying these patients makes it possible for clinicians to deliver proactive, targeted interventions that are designed to prevent dangerous flare-ups. The goal of the model is to better outcomes for patients and better utilization of your resources, such as your ED.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model:  Inpatient Risk of Falls Ambulatory - if pop health workflow around this population

    Clinicians can see the risk of a pediatric asthma patient under the age of 18 having a severe asthma attack in the next 90 days. They can review the factors contributing to that risk and allocate care and resources accordingly.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model: Amb Risk of Admission for Heart Failure This model is standardly included in the Capacity Management dashboard for organizations that automatically create bed requests for surgical admit patients. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Models - ED Patient Likelihood to Occupy an Inpatient Bed Epic's statistically derived ICU length of stay model uses a proprietary algorithm and 60 variables to calculate a patient's expected length of stay in the ICU for retrospective risk-adjusted benchmarking, enabling clinicians, unit managers, and hospital administrators to see outcomes and quality of care in their ICUs. This model allows you to benchmark your outcomes without the need for time-intensive manual data review and abstraction.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Risk of Negative Diabetes Outcomes Deploying Microsoft facial and license plate recognition to identify patients with scheduled appointments as they approach the facility to provide a low friction arrival experience. License plate recognition for visitor management and parking integration.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Hospital Acquired Acute Kidney Injury Embed Copilot within Epic via a middlewware "website" that allows users to submit a prompt and then get a response back from that website in Epic. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Risk of Patient No-Show (Version 2) Free text indication interpretation and ICD10 recommendation.  Aims to improve ordering provider efficiency and reimbursements
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Risk of Opioid Use Disorder or Overdose Calcium Scoring of non-typical CT valve contrast studies.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Early detection of pediatric sepsis  MS PLex and Morphometric brain volume calculations.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Amb Risk of Hospital Admission or ED Visit for Asthma The cloud-based order search model learns from the sequences of search terms used across your whole organization, as well as user-level and department-level statistics that are calculated in Chronicles. Brings the most common order up when user searches for order.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model: Amb Risk of Pediatric Asthma exacerbation Model identifies hospitalized patients who may be clinically deteriorating, which allows clinicians to proactively intervene and treat patients earlier, which may help reduce adverse events, ICU admissions, and cardiac arrests. Model updates dynamically based on information entered into the chart, providing clinicians with the most up-to-date risk assessment information.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Likely Surgical Admit Destination The language detection model uses cloud computing to label incoming patient medical advice request messages with the language they were written in. Organizations can set up rules based on the message’s language to allow users to forward the message to an appropriate translation pool.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model: ICU Length of Stay (Retrospective) The system reviews patient medical advice request messages to identify a category to apply to the message. Clinical and support staff can use these categories to sort and triage messages sent to a pool. Categories include such things as clinical actionable messages and FYI messages.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - Order Search Summarize recent notes before a visit.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - Deterioration Index Score Draft responses to patient messages.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - Inbasket language Detection Model predicts expected capacity for the upcoming hour, day, week, month, or year on operational dashboards to better identify and mitigate potential overutilization or capacity problems before they arise. This information can help plan discharges, schedules, and staffing to keep up with expected capacity.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - Inbasket Categorization This model helps identify patients who are most at risk of an unplanned readmission in the 30 days after discharge and can be fully integrated within clinical workflows, allowing clinicians and hospital staff to focus more resources on at-risk patients. The model uses dozens of data points such as diagnoses, medications, and lab results.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - Forecasted Hospital Census Care managers and clinicians can use this predictive model to help determine which patients have the highest risk of developing hypertension within the next two years. Due to a shift in the definition of hypertension by the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology, the model is effectively predicting the risk of stage 2 hypertension. Refer to the Additional Considerations topic for more information.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - Readmissions Risk Score Using computer vision to support blood flow analysis, 3D modeling without invasive procedure, and coronary artery disease diagnosis.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Model: Amb Risk of HTN Nuclear Medicine processing, display and analysis for SPECT-CT, PET-CT, PET-MR including dosimetry; image quantification and advanced image reconstruction. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Models - No Show (Custom) Identifies the likelihood of an outpatient appointment being a no show. The model predictions are aggregated at the physician, clinic, and department levels to better assist in capacity management and planning, while limiting the potential impact on model biases and limiting access to care to a single patient.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model: ICU In-Hospital Mortality Risk (Retrospective) Taking all comments from patients within the Patient Experience CAHPS surveys, an NLP model is used highlight topics and keywords while removing any low impact words. The results are visualized as a word cloud.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Models - Remaining Length of Stay Augmented reality surgical guidance.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - Not In Use Predictive Model - Sepsis (version 1) Quantitative liver analysis with software that provides clinicians with an interpretable report of liver health.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Predictive Model: End of Life Index Neurosurgical planning software which incorporates connectomics; utilizing cloud computing for large-volume data processing, and intuitive browser-based interfaces.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) In Flight Clinical Entity Recognition - Thrombolytic/Bleeding Events in Cancer patients (Custom) Reduce radiologist errors by analyzing post processed images, providing confirmation of findings and/or identify findings for possible inclusion in the final report.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) In Flight Changes in Medication Treatment for Glaucoma Patients Use ambient voice technology to write visit notes based on the conversation during office visits.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production ICD10 Recommendation Video recording of the laparoscopic procedures that uses AI to review the procedure steps and evaluate patient outcomes.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Patient Experience Word Cloud Mammo post processing - density secondary capture scorecard.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Ambient Note Writing  Epic's statistically derived in-hospital mortality risk model for critical care patients uses a proprietary algorithm and 49 variables to calculate a patient's expected mortality risk for retrospective risk-adjusted benchmarking of ICU mortality rates, enabling clinicians, unit managers, and hospital administrators to see outcomes and quality of care in their ICUs. This model allows you to benchmark your outcomes without the need for time-intensive manual data review and abstraction
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Electronic Medication Prior Authorization Model predicts the remaining of length of stay of all adult patients with an inpatient admission (inpatient, observation status) at all locations.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) In Flight Automated Exam Room Allocation Model helps clinicians identify patients with sepsis before their condition worsens with real-time, point-of-care warnings to allow for rapid and risk-adjusted interventions. The model uses data points such as medications, lab results, vital signs, and LDAs to identify patients prior to sepsis progression and organ damage or death occurs.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) In Flight Automated Physician Leave Requests The End of Life Care Index is a logistic regression that predicts the risk of one-year mortality. This model is designed to be used on all adult patients using frequently documented features.

  Corporate Services

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  • AI Projects for Corporate Services

    Computer Vision
    Project Name
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Enhance Tower Visitor Management An experimental feature in Google Chrome that uses generative AI to assist users in writing more effectively online. It's designed to provide suggestions for short-form content like reviews and surveys.
    Generative AI In Flight Chrome Help Me Write AI-powered language model capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations. Formerly known as Bing Chat. 
    Generative AI In Flight Microsoft Copilot A multimodal suite of AI models that power a variety of Google products and services, including the Bard chatbot.
    Generative AI In Flight Google Gemini Forecasting expenses using past trend of expenses and forecasted future volume.
    Generative AI In Flight Azure OpenAI (AOAI) Chatbots Application to enhance clinical research. 
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Adobe Text to Image Generation Automatically find and pull cotent from a selected and populate it in a list. 
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Malware Protection Azure OpenAI (AOAI) is similar to Copilot, but can be accessed programmatically in a secure manner, enabling OpenAI’s LLM to power chatbots. Specifically, AOAI can be used in various ways including Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), which optimizes the output of a LLM so it references internal documents as the knowledge base outside of its initial training data. Use cases include creating a chatbot to look up UM’s Investigator Manual or a chatbot to help train radiology residents in use of various radiology software.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Cyber Threat Prevention Generative AI that Allows for text to image
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Expense Forecast Protect against malware with next-gen antivirus.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Scan360 Data integrity checker within the cybervault for airgap back-ups. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Data Integrity Check Modernize Epic data architecture. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Data Architecture Modernization Enhancement to visitor management system in the Tower to identify visitors, as well as identify individuals on a security watchlist and alert public safety.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Cyber Threat Monitoring & Prevention Monitor, identify, correlate anomaly behaviors, and predict cyber threats.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Leading Indicator Revenue Forecast Forecasting Net Patient Service Revenue using leading indicator of scheduled ambulatory appointments and the past trend of downstream revenue generated from completed ambulatory visits.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Revenue Plan Development Model for creating clinical volume and gross charges plan, preserving the correlation between different types of clinical volumes and related gross charges.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Lagging Indicator Revenue Forecast Forecasting Net Patient Service Revenue using lagging indicator of past gross charges.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Network Device Discovery Discovery of on-network devices
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Block Malicious Emails Protects against internet threats, by automatically preventing unknown/malicious cyber-attacks.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Email Protection Software to automatically detect and block malicious inbound emails based on IPs. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Cyber Theat Blocking Email security solution to identify, protect and prevent against email driven cyber-attacks, such as phishing.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Cybersecurity Incident Response  Monitor, identify, prevent, correlate anomaly behaviors, alert, and block malicious threats.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Pull and Source Relevant Documents from Selected Website Tool leveraging ML, NLP, and RPA to enhance cyber security. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Cybersecurity Generative AI security layer that enhances security team's visibility to ability to act. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Workday Chatbot Assistant Chatbot to assist with HR, finance, and supply chain questions.  Assists with such tasks as recommending support material and flu vaccine status submissions.
    Speech Completed - Not In Use IT Helpdesk Call Triage Leveraging conversational AI in the UHIT Help desk for call triage, routing and escalations.  The tool will learn and evolve with the intent of providing optimal assistance to our internal users. 


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  • AI Projects for Research

    Type of AI Project
    Project Name
    Computer Vision In Flight Virgo Endoscopy Reading Virgo is seeking FDA approval for their device using AI to read endoscopy procedures and detect issues. UHealth is participating in this study for follow up endoscopy procedures for patients who underwent HBOT for UC.
    Computer Vision In Flight CT Ablation Tumor Site Identification Development of a novel AI technique for identifying the tumor site within a CT ablation procedure. The tumor site will be segmented and quantified in terms of size, shape, location, microvascular invasion, and the imaging markers of degree of cirrhosis over the time of the cancer progression to reveal the prognostic pathway. Successful development of a model can provide a personized prognostic indication for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients following ablation.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production DICOM Image De-identification Image de-identification for utilization in research studies and for quality improvement. De-identification includes data within the meta-data (DICOM headers) and within the image at the pixel level. Without these models, a custom solution will have to be built for each imaging vendor and system, as well as each software version upgrade.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Social Media Sentiment Analysis Academic Research in the School of Communication - using generative AI to create a sentiment analysis of social media posts.  
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Text to 3D Model Generation Generating 3D models based on text prompts.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Legal Document Summarization Using generative AI to analyze and summarize public legal documents.
    Generative AI In Flight Incidental Pulmonary Embolism Detection FDA-cleared AI algorithm that estimates the likelihood of a patient having incidental pulmonary embolism and then prioritizes these cases to be read by the radiologists. 
    Generative AI In Flight Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection FDA-cleared AI algorithm developed by Aidoc, which estimates the likelihood of a patient having intracranial hemorrhage and then prioritizes these cases to be read by the radiologists.
    Generative AI In Flight Pulmonary Embolism Detection FDA-cleared AI algorithm developed by Aidoc, which estimates the likelihood of a patient having pulmonary embolism and then prioritizes these cases to be read by the radiologists.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight D3 for Dementia Patient Digital Marker (PDM) model was developed by Indiana University to identify patients at risk of developing dementia. The model is being validated here at University of Miami and will be deployed as part of a NIH-sponsored clinical trial.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Audio Sentiment Analysis for OCD Therapy Use of a tool that uses AI to analyze the emotional content of audio recordings.  This is used for analysis of exposure therapy in people with OCD.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) In Flight Custom Clinical Notes LLM for UHealth Investigating the possibility of developing a custom large language model based on clinical notes from UHealth. There are several approaches including training a model from scratch to fine-tuning an existing LLM. The latter is the most performant approach and also the most cost effective. Different existing LLMs are being evaluated and testing is ongoing.

  Revenue Cycle

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  • AI Projects for Revenue Cycle

    Type of AI Project
    Project Name
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Epic Coding Assistant - Dermatology Working with Epic R&D to pilot and develop AI applications within Epic to assist professional coders in their review of clinical documentation and suggesting procedure and diagnosis codes for approval. Project focus is on specialties without established coding automation tools that are currently highly manual, full review coding practices.
    Speech Completed - In Production Scheduling Voice Bot Leveraging conversational AI to provide an optimal experience for patient scheduling management, including schedule, reschedule, confirm, cancel, recall.
    Machine Learning (ML) In Flight Likelihood to Pay Identifies the likelihood of payment for insured and self-pay patients. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) In Flight Automated Infusion Charging Calculator Leveraging charge automation with Epic for CTU Infusion hospital charging
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - Not In Use Apple Health Submission for International and Healthcare Tourists Investigating the ability to digitalize our intake process for international and domestic healthcare tourists to simplify the process for patients and our staff. This would provide an option for patients to submit data directly from their Apple Health into UHealth and would potentially support abstractions of PDFs and language translation services.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Radiology Professional Coding Automation Automates professional coding through translation of the electronic health record into accurate set of medical codes and triages unautomated cases back to coding specialists.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production History Note Nudges Delivers real time clinical insights ("nudges") to help clinicians document a complete patient history before a note is saved to the EHR.  Reduces retrospective queries.  Utilizes AI powered worklist prioritization to drive coder and CDI team efficiency.
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production Welcome Facial Recognition Enhance Welcome kiosks experience with facial recognition. 
    Computer Vision Completed - In Production MyChart Account Recovery Use facial recognition for MyChart account recovery. 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Coding Bots - Interventional Radiology Autonomous coding bots to review results and determine procedure and diagnosis code for interventional radiology procedures. 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Coding Bots - Cardiology Autonomous coding bots to review results and determine procedure and diagnosis codes for cardiology procedures. 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Coding Bots - Surgery Autonomous coding bots to review results and determine procedure and diagnosis codes for surgical procedures.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Pediatrics Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Soft-Coded Procedure Automation Leveraging charge automation with Epic to eliminating a manual step for every account with soft-coded procedures.  This expands on the soft-coded emergency room procedure charging. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Automated Soft-Coded ED Procedure Charging Leveraging charge automation with Epic to eliminating a manual step for emergency room procedures, eliminating a manual step for every account with soft-coded procedures.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Automate Pulling Insurance Card Information Using optical character recognition to pull insurance information from scanned patient insurance cards into the visit registration to reduce manual error and accelerate the financial clearance process.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Epic Coding Assistant - Surgery Working with Epic R&D to pilot and develop AI applications within Epic to assist professional coders in their review of clinical documentation and suggesting procedure and diagnosis codes for approval. Project focus is on specialties without established coding automation tools that are currently highly manual, full review coding practices.
    Generative AI Completed - In Production Epic Coding Assistant - Ophthalmology Working with Epic R&D to pilot and develop AI applications within Epic to assist professional coders in their review of clinical documentation and suggesting procedure and diagnosis codes for approval. Project focus is on specialties without established coding automation tools that are currently highly manual, full review coding practices.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Ambulatory Services (Retail) Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation- Executive Medicine Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Family Medicine Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Genetics Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation- Neurological Surgery Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Neurology Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Obstetrics and Gynecology Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Ophthalmology Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Orthopedics Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Otolaryngology Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Pathology Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Physical Therapy Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Psychiatry & Behavioral Science Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production SVC Coding Automation - Urology Epic Simple Visit Coding (SVC) logic to automate outpatient coding on hospital visits 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Account Creation & Merger Automation - Hospital Account Auto Create Hospital and Guarantor account auto-create and merge in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Account Creation & Merger Automation - Guarantor Auto Create Hospital and Guarantor account auto-create and merge in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Account Creation & Merger Automation - Hosipital Account and Guarantor Merge/Link Hospital and Guarantor account auto-create and merge in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Payment Posting Automation - Automated Payment Posting Automated payment posting, reconciliation, and transfers in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Payment Posting Automation - Automated Reconciliation (Including Adjustment Threshold) Automated payment posting, reconciliation, and transfers in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Payment Posting Automation - Automated HB/PB Transfer for Relevant Balances Automated payment posting, reconciliation, and transfers in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Patient Payment Notification - Instant MyChart Balance Notification on Post Complete MyChart balance notifications and self-service payment plans in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Patient Payment Notification - Open Self-Service Payment Plan Enrollment Complete MyChart balance notifications and self-service payment plans in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Patient Payment Notification - Auto-Apply New Balance to Open Payment Plan Complete MyChart balance notifications and self-service payment plans in tandem.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Authorization Determination & Collection - Authorization Determiniation (Across Services) Authorization determination and auth collections in tandem. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Authorization Determination & Collection - Authorization Collection and Status Update Authorization determination and auth collections in tandem. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Claim Submission & Attachments - Automated Claim Outbound Submisson Complete claim submission and attachments in tandem. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Claim Submission & Attachments - Automated Claim Attachments to avoid preventable denials Complete claim submission and attachments in tandem. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Visit Payment & Debt Transfer - Automated Patient Payment for Visit Balance Complete visit auto pay and bad debt transfer in tandem. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Visit Payment & Debt Transfer - Automated Bad Debt Transfer to Partners and Finance Reconciliation Complete visit auto pay and bad debt transfer in tandem. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Hospital Coding Prioritization Prioritize work within hospital coding workqueues.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production LOS Calculator Ambulatory Clinics Doctor visit Level of Service calculators for ambulatory clinics.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production LOS Calculator - Surgery Center Doctor visit level of service calculators for surgery center visits. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Cost Center Automation Bill Area/Cost Center auto-determination.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Coding Workqueue Prioritization Prioritize work within coding workqueues.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Procedure Authorization - Neuro & ENT Enhance procedure authorization intake in Neurology and ENT.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Scheduling Decision Support Decision Support for scheduling requirements. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production Automated Wait List Entries Automate patient wait list entries.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Scheduling Guidance - Neuro & ENT Guided scheduling in Neurology and ENT.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Scheduling Bot Patient self-service scheduling bot.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Registration Bot Patient self-service registration bot.
    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Completed - In Production Insurance Eligibility Verification Insurance eligibility verification
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Self-Pay Estimation Automation Automatic patient self-pay estimates
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Corporate Guarantor Creation & Assignment Generate and assign corporate guarantor accounts for GameChanger. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Account Creation - Lab Venipuncture  Lab venipuncture outreach account creation.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Retrigger Late Charges Late charge coding retrigging
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Automated Pull in and Copy - Late Charge Coding Automate pulling in and copying for late charge coding. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Paper Modifier Automation Automated payer modifier attachments
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Account Merger Automation Automated account coding merger.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Automated Pull in and Copy - Account Coding Automate pulling in and copying for account coding. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Nightly Denial Automation Automate nightly denial actioning. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Credit & Write-Off Automation Automate credit resolution and small balance write-offs.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production PCP Referral Follow-Up Enhance patient scheduling with PCP referral follow-up.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Automated Visit Reminders Automate patient visit reminders. 
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production PB Account Prioritization Utilizing machine learning algorithms to assign account prioritization and return the scoring back into Epic for PB billing workqueues.
    Machine Learning (ML) Completed - In Production HB Account Prioritization Utilizing machine learning algorithms to assign account prioritization and return the scoring back into Epic for HB billing workqueues.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production External Charging Enhance medical coding with charge interface to external locations. 
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production External Orders Improve scheduling with connection to external system for orders.
    Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Completed - In Production Charge Automation - Lab Venipuncture Automate charging for lab venipuncture.
